mandag den 6. september 2010

Dancing Tango

Tango is an amazing dance. Intricate, sesuous, passionate.

It takes something to learn to dance tango. Dancing is like making love. In fact, dancing is making love. It is a wonderful way to build up sexual energy in a woman. The swaying movements, the touch, the look.

A woman aware of her sexuality has the possibility to constantly grow. Like peeling back layers of an onion, there is always more to come. The intensity of her desires will allow her to get to the higher level. If she will open up, and fully experience what her feelings tell her.

As a man, you can give her the framework and the security to do this. By being with her at each new level. Talking her experience through, reassuring her when she feels that there is no logic, that she has lost control and is perhaps afraid that the sesuality can no longer be controlled.

The point is, that she will need a partner who is aware of this and how far she is. She will find that trying to take a sexual partner who is not on her level will be like dancing tango with someone who does not know the steps, or has no rythym. And that would not do at all - an empty, unfulfilled feeling.

Be her dancing partner. Learn the steps, so that you can flow and the dance becomes the basis for reaching something higher. Take the time to understand the processes that your partner is experiencing and attain pleasure from seeing her fly.