Wise up, guys! There is a New World Order on the way!
Women today have found their rightful way to economic independence and that is a fact. It goes and different speeds around the world. In North West Europe, it is a fast development and I am told that that is the situation in East Asia. Women are getting educated and finding power through their careers.
Oh dear, I hear the lament of my brothers; but there is really no need for this. It is a fact that the peacefulness and hence, prosperity, of a nation is proportional to how its women are treated. I take it that we all have an interest in a peaceful world? Good!
So what does this mean to the average Jock? It means that you, Jock, will have to get wise and change your ways if you want any sort of sex life in the future that involves a female partner.
Until recently, us guys had entitlement, which meant that we could do pretty much what we liked with women - screw them, rape them, enslave them, beat them, because the expression of testosterone is violence. No way could women fight back. They were number two, if they were considered anything at all.
That is changing - partly by education and partly through the feminist movement. No, I am not a great fan of the feminist movement, especially when it becomes as fundamentalist as the creed of rabid ayatollahs and gets incorporated into the establishment - "state feminism". I believe that these women have directed so much hate at men, that they have denied their sisters and daughters access to what men are really capable of, if only they had the right guidance.
It should be (but it isn't) plain to see that the world is heading in the wrong direction. We have a corporation that wants to flood the world with cheap, toxic, highly addictive food for the masses. Probably backed by governments. Many people are living decidedly unhealthy morbid lifestyles as a consequence. If you are an obese, diabetes ridden, heart attack victim who has been made ill by all the crap food, you will find it difficult to reach tantric bliss.
"The media purveys a never-ending stream of inane, dumbed down hypnotic garbage that numbs the senses, plus of course Porn – the only means by which the de-sensitised, emotionally crippled consumers can get turned on any more" to quote Eleanor O'Rourke
Take the mantra of competition (the driving force of survival) to its obvious conclusion – a few people stand on the winner’s podium while everybody else loses.
This could all change, starting with the realization that women are divine and to be a real man, you must be a worshiper of women. However, there are many other things that could happen, such as a new paradigm for corporations who set themselves in society instead of believing they are separate from it.
To live a tantric lifestyle, essential for humanity's survival, you have to love yourself, your body and keep both mind and body healthy. By exercise and right diet. The Internet plays an important role, so never allow governments and corporations to control it. Write you own blog, your experiences. You can learn, discover and teach your children to learn about intimate human relations from books, articles, blogs and spiritual videos instead of the plastic, distorted, perverted world of pornography. Distinguish between the erotic and pornography.
Seek out like-minded people. Avoid those who are only in it for the money. Discuss openly, without fear, with everybody. Distinguish between casual, mindless, bonking sex and the sacred love-making between two souls. Use the creativity to solve your life's daily problems. Care for others as you will be cared for. Teach your children and others. Do not evangalise, but be aware of those who are ready to climb out of the dungeons of corporate oppression where they are shackled with the evil of money and materialism. Wellbeing and happiness in who you are counts much more than the love of things. Things are to be used, humans are to be loved, but our world has turned this on its head and what you see is many unhappy, unfulfilled, "wealthy" people.
Your wealth is in your giving, not the accumulated things. That giving starts with love and awareness. The love of nature, the appreciation and thankfulness of everything you experience, the godliness of you and everything and the transmutation of energy by the uniting of the feminine and the masculine in sacred, deep, aware, respectful, love-making.
Be skeptical; listen to the messages: kill the competition, consume more, go for economic growth. Reject these shibboleths and think in terms of enjoy what's around, cultivate relationships, forget concepts of possession and ownership of other people.In being jealous of things and relationships, you are sinking into a black hole. If you love yourself and have the capacity to love others, love will find you. But if you are envious, jealous, obsessive and possessive, unhappiness will follow you around like a shadow
So, hopefully you have now read the above and taken this in. You can go back to your rat-race job and convince yourself you have to do all this to "survive" (which is actually all you are doing), or you can sit on your bottom with a pizza and beer watching some inane reality show because you have nothing else to do having been excluded from the "elite" rat-race society. Neither are optimal, so start today by taking some outdoor exercise. Go swimming. Be aware of all that is around. Appreciate it. Find the best food you can afford. Organic. Start doing yoga and meditation. Clear you r mind and tune up your beautiful body. Seek the immutable truth in everything you appraise. Find like-minded people. Be open and honest to these people. They will be open and honest back. Love with passion and with the aim of giving and pleasing the other on a physical and spiritual level. Live long and lovingly. Give yourself.
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