It is amazing how kids are totally involved in World of Warcraft. It panders to their "blue" meme development. Their are zombies, elves, gnomes, rogues, wizards, etc. It seems to me types of characters are reflected in real life.
In my experience, most people are zombies.Those who have not had their sexual/spiritual awakening are the living dead. You can see it in their eyes, on their faces, the way they walk. Unless, of course, everyone is acting - putting up a facade - but I doubt that. There is too much in the world's cultures to conspire against real life.
Others are rogues. Mainly men, who live on a constant overdose of testosterone. They see sex as something entirely and utterly for their own satisfaction and as a tool of power over "weaker" beings - mainly women, but in the worst case, children.
This is a totally sad situation. It makes being in public places a very depressing experience. People are scared - scared of contact, scared of risking showing what they know is inside them, scared of having bad experiences, scared of their sexuality.
So, many (mainly women) suppress it, and others (men) flaunt it in a vile way. Such is it, that many women in the world, instead of going outside with the prospect of meeting a partner who is going to give them the greatest satisfaction in their lives, go out with the fear of being accosted by "rogues", or even worse, being raped by a stupid, egotistical, testosterone-driven man.
And there is the suppression: I perform sports massage to people who have muscular pain. I can feel the level of sexual awareness in people, but being bound by ethical standards, do nothing to take advantage of it. But the difference is astounding: Even in healthy people, there is often no reaction to sensuous touch. This can be for two reasons: one, that the reaction is being suppressed (there and then), or the "circuit is dead", because of suppression as a part of the culture or background of the person. There is also the massive taboo nowadays of being touched at all.
When the clients are so relaxed under massage, it is hard to believe that they are actively suppressing their reactions. So, one may assumed, albeit dogmatically, that these people do not have the sexual awareness that could be considered natural.
But some do. Only a small percentage. Perhaps 1%. This corresponds to Ken Wilber's estimate of the people (in North America and Europe) in the yellow/turquoise memes (holonic). Is that a correlation? Or am I saying that it is the same people who are in both groups.
Does this mean that to make the sexual/spiritual connection, you have to have the necessary experience and have developed through the memes? Perhaps.
The fact is, that as human beings, we all have the potential to realize the Shiva and Shakti inside us. So, why don't we? Because contemporary life conspires against this. Consumerism has totally taken over. The message is that you have to get your pleasure from something you pay for, such as eating and drinking, and pornographic sex. Made cheap enough for everyone to indulge, of course, but the results are plain and obvious: Massive numbers of overweight people who are so out of touch with their bodies, they cannot possibly indulge in tantric lovemaking. Alcoholics and drug takers, seeking a thrill, which they could easily get from spiritual pursuits such as meditation and tantra. Smoking, which seems to create a false meditative state. Sex, so that women operate sexually on the same level as testosterone-filled males, looking for "performance" and sexual variations and deviations. Flitting from partner to partner and still having that empty feeling after all.
This is mainly in Western societies, but all these facets are being adopted in Asia and elsewhere, because it is being sold as "normal". Meanwhile, spirituality, especially sexual spirituality is considered "weird", or is mistaken as lust and promiscuity. And it certainly can be abused (see my earlier posts). It is strange that social media can flourish, showing the need for personal relationships, but people shun physical contact.
There are some brave people out there. Mainly women, who want to spread the word and educate men and women in the art of sexual spirituality. The real Tantrikas and Dakinis put themselves at risk from rogues and many are good at converting the rogues into something useful.
There are many women who have lived and experienced enough to start making the connection. They have had children, been slave to a man for much of their lives and connect with their own masculine sides. They have to really fight to break out of cultural and religious prisons. They go through a lot of pain and self-doubt, often having to regain their self-worth. They have to overcome their experience of men and bury the prejudice that most men are useless idiots (they are!). They are vulnerable to so -called "gurus", who will lead them to retreats in Romania or India , where they are emotionally raped. In finding new relationships, they have to run the gauntlet of men who want them to perform some form of sexual kinkiness to be accepted.
There are some brave men as well.
I wish that there were less zombies and rogues around. I wish that religions stopped oppressing women. I wish that women could start to live. What is needed is more women to take the path and instead of making enemies of men, as some aspects of the Feminist movement have done, start to educate the men. If women know what they really want, they should be able to teach men that. Soft men are OK, but girls, don't psychologically castrate the men. You love the strength of a man and the security it gives.
So, there we have the state of the world. I cannot speak about the non-Western world, but I doubt that in Asia, there are that many enlightened women. Probably not in the Arab countries. In Africa, maybe. But women have a very rough deal in most of Africa. If we take one-half percent of the grown women in Western societies, we are talking of perhaps 20 million women who have realized the purpose of their lives beyond procreation and in some cases, career. There are some 3 billion women who need to be shown, and this is where the Feminist movement should concentrate its efforts.
The Dark Forces of fundamentalism are at large. Women are not being liberated. Chauvinism is on the way back in. As a man, I have learned that women are to be worshiped, but it is oh, so easy for men to revert to being bullies and treating women as farmyard animals. Even in Western societies. Beware of this.
Deep love and satisfaction is possible for every woman. Reaching a higher level of consciousness (super consciousness) is realistic. "Going solo" (masturbation) is a move in the right direction, but the intimacy and ying-yang effect of an empathic partner will allow for the attainment of higher levels.
And brother: You rogue. I know you, I have been there myself. For many years I treated women as objects and subjects of material deviations. External. Apart. Who cares what she thought, as long as she looked good and I could boast of my prowess. Who cared about the concerns of a mere woman!
This is the message to my brothers: Learn Tantra or Tao. Start to understand that the greatest thrill is to help a woman achieve orgasm. Not "give her an orgasm". She can only give herself an orgasm. But when she is in that trance-like state, you are really loving her. You are fulfilling the conditions for something sacred and magic. If you are good at it, you will be able to help develop her skills. She has a lot of prejudice to overcome.
Tenderness and gentleness are the keywords.
Do it. You will never regret and by doing it, you will make the world a better place.
Well said!! I don't know where to start. But to keep this brief, I do agree with you completely that everyone-men and gals-are so afraid of "feeling" and "touching"...letting go, being natural and honoring the Divinity within each other. Their hearts are contracted, their bodies frozen, their minds overloaded! They have no spiritual concept of surrender, how their thoughts and actions create karma, and the role of their ego. Tantric work ("real" tantra--that is, real life) has so much to offer the fearless...when they are ready!