This is a re-post from Bodhisatva. It was very difficult to read, so I have tidied it up. I did this because there is an important message, which needs to be broadcasted. I hope that you don't mind, Bodisatva?
"According to Ayurveda Vihar [lifestyle] and Ahar[ proper food] is necessary for a abundant and healthy life.
Harmony and abundance and superconciuosness or no mind space is required for a happy married life unless the harmony , abundances or superconciouness happens between two people you will search for a new partner.
Unless the abundance and harmony happens you will fight and get bored with your partner. Other things like beauty or education or status are not required for happy married life if harmony and nothingness is happening in relationship the marriage life or love relationship will be happy it will be a celebration and will dance together if harmony happens between two people and it will last long.
We are not whole and complete and that's why we are searching for a lover or partner to become complete and divine. Our partners help us to realise our divinity.
Male and female energy or yin or yang melts in to each other and we become whole and divine. According to yoga and Ayurveda we have seven chakras in our body.
In ordinary sexual relationship only some chakras meet between couples and harmony and superconciousnesss does not happen. In India, Hindus and tribes do some ritual before marriage . If you do these rituals. there is possibility of happening of love , harmony and superconciousness between two lovers or husband and wife. These are very scientific rituals .
In some tribes 15 days before the marriage the bridegroom and bride are massaged with turmeric and sandalwood paste the reason is that turmeric and sandal wood helps in opening of chakras in body sandal helps with third eye chakra and turmeric helps in opening solar plexus chakra the seat of our ego. They use gold jewellery and flower garland during the marriage ceremony, the reason is that flowers helps in opening the chakras or energy vortexes and moving the energy. Use of flowers in bach flower remedies everybody knows. Bach flower therapy uses flowers for healing purpose .
Buddha field flower essences uses flowers for opening the chakras. Flowers like hibiscus, rose are aphrodisiac, that is why lovers gives rose flowers to their beloved. also Indians use gold jewellery in marriage as gold is superconductor of energy . It helps in opening of kundalini and chakras and brings harmony and abundance. It brings vitality and it is used in ayurvedic medicines as a aphrodisiac . Gold is used in homeopathy as medicine for sexual diseases as a remedy name ”aurum met” .Gold is very useful in healing wounds from broken relationship ,sorrow and in jealousy and possesivness. It helps in abundance and in healing.
In India during marriage the bridegroom wears a cap or a pagri . This cap helps in listening of nada or sound of aum . As you go deep in love you start listening the sound of aum from your ears if you listen to this sound with a pagri or with a ear plug you will achieve nothingness as the sound of aum is a bridge between spiritual and material world. Thats why Sikh people in india wears a turban . The sound of aum is indicating that you are reaching near your divinity. During marriage tribes and Hindus go around seven round the fire it means meeting of seven chakras and they promise each other during ceremony to be together till the energy reaches to seventh chakra or superconciousness and they put a dot or bindi which is sindoor or kumkum [it is a chemical substance mercuric oxide which helps in opening the chakras].
Abundance means you are not bored with your partners but you are happy and content your male and female energy is in balance. if you see the walls of khajuraho Tantra temples they are revealing so many secret of abundance and harmony. They do so many ritual and techniques to attend a happy and satisfied married life. Tantra temples were used to perform these rituals. For more information regarding Tantra temple visit my tribe ”Tantra temple” @tribe .net.
A marriage is not only a marriage for a tribe in India. They gather together for ceremonies at least 15 days before the marriage and this ceremony becomes a real celebration for everybody. They enjoy food for physical abundance and they dance for celebration. Use of pan or bettle leaf with silver foil and saffron brings abundance. there is beautiful stories about krishna and radha with pan, krishna eats pan or bettle leaf and when the leaf turns in to a red paste after chewing the pan krishna licks the lips of radha and radha sucks this paste from his mouth through his lips .
Krishna and radha goes to different jungles for raasleela . This jungle or van is full of seasonal fruits and honey and delicacies they sing and dance and celebrate this beautiful life. In indian krishna temple in Nathdwara in Rajasthan they serve pan after the serving the 56 bhog to Krishna. 56 bhog is 56 tyes of indian food delicacies. Now these days a himalayan drug company uses pan and kum kum in its aphrodisiac medicine tentex forte. Physical abundance comes with eating these 56 type of delicacies.
Indians eat with hands the reason is that your fingers also becomes sensual after opening the heart chakra. These recipes is cooked in pure ghee or in indian butter.when you are not abundant your sexuality is localised to first chakra with jealousy and possessions. It is sexuality but not sensuality. Sensuality comes after opening of heart chakra. When heart chakra opens then you don't feel inadequate in love making and you share your love without any attachment . You have so much love to give that you share without any condition or relationship without asking anything in return.
Indians use sitopaladi churna for abundance. This churna is made of bamboo which is high in silica mineral. If there is less silica in body you are malenutritioned. silica helps in digestion and absorbing the mineral and vitamins from food. They use cowry mala for psychic protection as you become very vulenarable in deep love. Cowry is also full of calcium. Calcium is very useful in opening the heart chakra. There are so many products available. Then question comes what is good or what is bad. The answer is the products which makes you aware alert and abundant is good and which makes you unaware , unconscious and intoxicated is bad.
I am presenting some Indian herbs and products which are used in these ceremonies .For an indian tribe, marriage is celebration and death is also a celebration. Totality is key of happy life. totality means not only two bodies rubbing to each other but it should be meeting of heart and mind and body .In this totality surrender will happen . I mean Tantra will happen [Tantra is a happening but not a performance - if your heart is open and if you are vulnerable and receptive Tantra will happen itself]. But our social conditioning, fears and control do not allow Tantra to happen.
We don't need kamasutra vatsayanas asanas for Tantra . These asanas are performance which comes from mind and Tantra can not happen only with mind]. That is why meditations, rituals needed to bring the totality. Once you are total in love making you get possessed with sex energy and in this possession all kamasutra asanas and yoga asanas and mudras happen automatically during the love making.[ if you are total in love making then you don't need to go to a yoga class either.... Tantra is a couple yoga where your partner works as a catalyst so all the asanas happens to both partners and if you are aware then you can watch your body doing asanas.
Our lover takes us to space of aloneness which is a space full of joy and celebration. but if totality is not there in the relationship then it becomes a loneliness. Aloness is totally different from loneliness, it is a space of joy. In aloneness you are happy with your own company, but in loneliness you search for somebody to fill your emptiness . If Tantra happens in relationship then it creates a space of aloneness ,joy and creativity and if the totality is not there in relationship then it creates loneliness and emptiness and isolation.
Now these days in the name of Tantra and art of love making many people doing many workshops and sessions and classes they release their sexual suppressions in the name of Tantra . It's not Tantra - it is true that when you release your sexual suppression you feel relaxed and unburdened. But it is not Tantra. It is not real love making.
My own understanding about Tantra is that Tantra is a happening. Tantra happens from the space of no is not a effort its a happening it happens when you get possessed with sex energy, and once Tantra happens between couples it becomes celebration ,you dance with happiness and you feel gratefull to each other. Unless the dance , celebration and gratefullness happens in relationship it is not real love. When you do a kamasutra exercise or try to perform in sex its not Tantra, because all the doing comes from mind and Tantra is a happening which happens when you are in space of no mind or you get possessed with sex energy. You are not doing any effort or you are not doing any technique you are just allowing or surrendering to sex energy.
Due to fear, morality and conditionings we do not allow ourselves to get possessed or surrender to our sex energy. To attend space of no mind all the rituals and techniques of meditation are needed, but what I feel is that in the West, Tantra has become a good business with selling dildos, cheap Tantra books written by unexperienced Tantra teachers,kamasutra techniques and which has nothing to do with Tantra . If you surrender to sex energy all kamasutra postures will happen themselves and you do not need dildos, Tantra teachers and cheap materials to learn Tantra. You only need to learn how to come out of our conditionings, control and morality.
Any good meditation [specially Oshos active meditation techniques] iare very help full in attaining ”no mind ”space. Tantra is meeting of energies and ones you get possessed with the divine energy, Tantra happens itself then who cares about learning about ”p” spot or ”g” spot. because body has its own natural instinct to find out the spots or do a posture . Its all mind.
There are two types of love: First is biological love, it is our animal instinct. You get attracted to somebody due to hormones, and these hormones lasts for 3 years. Then you start getting bored with your partner. It is just lust. The second type of love happens when you meet at soul level after opening of chakras in body - when you meditate, do rituals and use aphrodisiac herbs these rituals and herbs helps in opening in chakras of body. It helps in happening of love of soul level, and during these rituals, herbs help in attaining ,abundance, saiti harmony,and superconciousness.
These days so many tantric classes are happening for teaching art of love making, but Tantra needs a pure heart so energy can flow between two person but not a teacher with his/her intellectual mind. Love is the basic requirement for happening of Tantra, but i do not think Tantra teachers are always feeling love for their clients - they just teach without love for sake of teaching or for money. If two people are in deep love Tantra will happen.
People can relive their sexual suppressions in Tantra classes in the name of Tantra or art of love making but its not Tantra.
In India, Tantra, or the art of love making has its own tradition. Its spiritual and divine. In India, people do not do Tantra with aggressive minds. Tantra needs a feminine surrendering mind. In this surrender, Tantra happens - that is why a Hindu woman touches the feet of her husband- she surrenders to her husband so the circle is completed. But in the West woman is becoming very competitive with man and that is why there are many divorces and broken relationships.
This competitive attitude makes her solar plexus very strong. Solar plexus is the seat of ego. With a strong ego, love never happens. Surrender never happens. Two egos always fight. A man should be a man and a woman should be a complete woman and there will be attraction due to polarity. The energy always moves between opposite poles . That is why learning of Tantra or art of love making is needed, so energy can move to all the seven chakras freely and enlightenment and superconciousness can be attend. Surrender and totality is the key of Tantra. Women in the West are now full of intellectual knowledge or or full of mind, and this borrowed knowledge or education has made her solar plexus very strong. Tantra need a innocent heart to happen. My understanding is that once the energy crosses the solar plexus in love a deep harmony happens due to opening of the heart and all the argument and fights stops. Once the harmony happens then lovers do not even talk - they understand each other without talking.
You can not solve your relationship problems by talking or by argument;unless harmony happens between two people there will be arguments and fighting. The more the borrowed intellectual knowledge the more the fights and conflicts. Surrender means totality in relationship. Not only two bodies rubbing to each other but it should be meeting of heart and mind and body that is the meaning of yoga joining the body mind and soul.
I have found that doing meditations, Tantra and ritual and using aphrodisiac herbs and products helps in bringing abundance and contentment in relationship. There are so many products, herbs and food and medicine then the question is what to eat for a abundant and happy married life? Here are some natural products and herbs which can be used as a aphrodisiac as well as for healing purpose also. These herbs and products is used by Indian tribes and Indian people. Here in this tribe you can also get consultation and counseling by our team of Ayurvedic doctor and experts regarding these products . You can also ask question and advise regarding your sexual and relationship problems by sending a email. classes and sessions on Tantra also available for more information visit Bodisatva's tribe ”Tantra temple” and the tribe ”tantric matrimony” and ”kamasutra products”"