I often wonder about drugs; The 'problem' could easily be taken care of; for example, by buying up the opium production in Afghanistan and other places at 'commercial' rates and convert it to morphine, so that people in great pain with terminal illnesses may die a dignified death. But it is in somebody's interest to keep the drug trade going. It is so lucrative, that could it be perhaps all government leaders are corrupted or compromised?
But what about making love? What is the problem? Why is it still heavily engrained in many people that sex is something 'dirty', to be guilty about? We are talking about the most beautiful, sacred act, that people can be engaged in. An act that is peaceful, in harmony with nature and the needs of our souls.
Poeple go around in their lives in the full knowledge that there is something missing in their lives, and they often use materialism as a substitute. This clearly satisfies those who want to sell us products, because by creating this false need, they can watch their profits increase. It instils samsara on us. It leaves us with an empty feeling. We get short term pleasure from 'things', all the while knowing that there is a deeper meaning to it all.
Organised religion has a lot to answer for; yes, there is the consideration of women left to bring up children single-handed, which is far from ideal. In this day and age, with the range of contraceptives available, this should never be a problem. But whole populations are held back from knowledge of contraception, and the result is plain to see; the world is becoming horribly overpopulated.
In advocating making love as a way to enlightenment, I am also saying to all men; take responsibility. You are not the one who becomes pregnant, but you willl be the one to have to pay. So unless you have both consented to wanting a baby, a real love child, make sure that you always wear a condom. It does not detract from the experience at all, and will also help avoid the spreading of diseases. The company Durex make a very good condom, the Featherlite, and it feels almost as if it is not there.
So back to the question; In whose interest is it?
I believe that in ancient times, women were at the centre of society. Their fertility related to the fertility experienced with plants and other animals, and these 'Gaia' women chose the strongest, fittest men to be lovers. Given that there are more men born than women, there was a surplus of weak, but intellectual men. These men sought, through establishing religion, to suppress women. Creating stories of how 'evil' women were, they succeeded and to this day in many religions, women are suppressed and oppressed. So that men can exercise power. Impotent men. Ignorant men.
However, it goes deeper that that. There are such taboos, concerned with marriage, homosexuality, inter-racial relations, inter-religious relationships, age differences, the concept of older people having sexual relations, the notion that women beyond the menopause cannot reach the same levels.
There is the extreme; take the sad case of the Chechnyan President, Ramzan Kadyrov, who thinks that is fine to fire paintball guns at women who do not wear veils. I simply do not understand how women find themselves in these societies. It can only be that they are so suppressed that they do not realise what is being done to them.
I see so many sad people, especially sad women. Men seem to find satisfaction in their domination, their power, but even so I see many very sad men. People who are just existing, wondering why they have been put here on earth. They have absolutely no contact with their souls and are literally shadows. This must be where those who wish to exercise power want them: religions, capitalists, dictators, governments. By creating conditions for samsara, capitalists manage to sell their goods and find workers ready to sell themselves and their labour in the cause of materialism.
I want these people to wake up, but that awakening must come from within. There must be a revolution or the human race will cease to exist within a few generations.
Women: Question the culture and traditions that hold you firmly in your place. Discover your sexuality and use it to reach a higher level of conciousness. Teach your daughters, that sex is sacred - sex is natural and the natural state is to be in ecstacy. It is not to get 'bonked' as many times as you can by as many men as possible. With real love-making, there is nothing to be ashamed of, no punishments to be meted out. No guilt, because it is your body and your mind for you to decide exactly want you want to do with it.
Men: Give up the notion that women are to be hunted and brought to submission like animals. Women are the other half of the human race, but they have have special properties that unfortunately we cannot experience. Well, we can, if we practice yoga. Remember that women are to be respected and that your role in life is to help bring women to eventual enlightenment, which they can do through their unique sensual organs.
Give the woman you are with warm, sincere words. Give her a feeling of security without being patronising. Relax her, and hold her in your arms. Take your time, remembering that women need time. The kiss is so omportant. Gentle to start with, almost brushing her lips with yours. Feel the passion start to grow and watch her eyes. Look for he gently closing her eyes, with the occasional flutter of the eyelids. Dwell on the kiss - it is more important that you would believe.......
So in whose interest is it to suppress the real love in the world? Everybody's, as long as everybody continues to support the notions. Just look around at this world: Violence, sexual exploitation, drugs, war, poverty, over population, hunger, confusion, war, jealousy, resentment, materialism, pollution.
If only men learned to love women and used their energies on this, the world would be a better place to live. If only women learned who they really are and found men they could trust to literally make love, on their terms.