What is an open mind? It is the ability to look beyond the mundane, the safe, the 'rules' and try to understand the deeper or alternative meanings. Unfortunately, each culture has a way of putting 'blinkers' on successive generations, only allowing thought in a very narrow direction. This 'thought control' swings between the liberal. or enlightened and the conservative or prohibitive.
Organized religion plays a part too; due to the paternalistic nature of some of the world's religions, women are suppressed, sometimes in very subtle ways, to the degree that women themselves do not realize how suppressed they are. Whenever these men in their respective religions are threatened, they turn up the zealous heat, and intimate that women are evil. Especially if women show any tendency towards establishing and displaying their sexuality.
This is clearly because the men feel threatened. But why? Why are men so inadequate that the thought of a woman seeking or even demanding sexual satisfaction is dangerous, or somehow the work of the Devil?
Cultures resort to bestial practices to keep female sexuality down, such as female circumcision. It was not so long ago that the best doctors in Europe performed clitorectomies on women who displayed sexual feelings. We only have to go back 150 years.
Getting to the point, my experience tells me that women have the physiology to experience a higher level of conciousness, call it superconciousness, if they
experience their sexuality in the form of reaching orgasm.
You know, if you are a woman, that this is possible to a large degree by yourself, if you have the right circumstances and you are not riddled with guilt.
However, their can be a missing ingredient - a feeling that to get to that higher level, the presence of a warm, embracing body, someone to give you the safe environment you need.
Unfortunately, in most cases, this is someone (a man), who is only interested in one thing - his own sexual gratification.